The LifePointe Church

Easter was 2 weeks ago but at the Lifepointe Church, we missed the memo and are still in celebration mode! Here’s evidence of the rave that was our Resurrection Party on Easter Sunday:

Easter was 2 weeks ago but at the Lifepointe Church, we missed the memo and are still in celebration mode! Here’s evidence of the rave that was our Resurrection Party on Easter Sunday:


All weekend long, we’re grooving to gospel crooner Folabi Nuel’s ‘My Heart’ because hey, it never gets old. We’re reminding ourselves that when Jesus chose to die on the old rugged cross, He emerged as the highest bidder during the auction for our souls all those decades ago. Going, going, gone! Jesus has won our hearts. Case closed.

As we unwrap this invaluable gift of salvation, savoring every inch of it, we also recognize that we’ve been tasked with the responsibility of making Jesus famous in our little or not-so-little corners of the world. It’s Mission: Possible month at the Lifepointe Church and we’re (re)aligning with heaven’s foreign policy on earth—preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ! Catch up on last Sunday’s sermon on Soundcloud or on iTunes as you run errands this weekend or just laze about. It’s a much-needed refresher on our job description as ambassadors of Christ to the earth, you’re welcome:

In the spirit of evangelism, we can’t get enough of this brilliant TED talk by the award-winning Nigerian social entrepreneur, Ndidi Nwuneli, where she eloquently outlines the role of the church in driving social change across Africa:


Lauren Daigle’s ‘Come Alive’ is packed with prayer inspiration for all the people in our world who are yet to accept Jesus—the “dry bones” in our corners of the earth.

The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few (Matthew 9:37). SIGN. US. UP. And you get to join the fun! SIGN UP WITH US by joining an N70 team—just leave us a reply below or send an email to

Here’s to a lovely weekend!

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Ans & Ted

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