The LifePointe Church



Quite the bromantic pair, Lifepointe’s Music Director, Folabi Nuel—a singer, song writer, worship leader, recording artist and preacher— and Tunbi Samuel—an acclaimed architect cum photographer—are poster children for ‘Stronger Together’, the theme of the month at the Lifepointe Church. With their 2-going-on-3-year old friendship which started out as a simple business transaction, Samuel and Folabi reiterate the instructive sermons from the pulpit this month as they share their journey of friendship:[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=\”1/3\”][vc_single_image image=\”10341\” img_size=\”full\” add_caption=\”yes\”][/vc_column][vc_column width=\”2/3\”][vc_column_text]In the Beginning

“I met Samuel about two and a half years ago when Lifepointe started. I needed a photoshoot done for my EP album and was reluctant to approach Samuel because of his hair. You know, I didn’t want anything to taint my faith (LOL). Fola, Lifepointe’s former music director and an all-round amazing guy, spoke to Samuel on my behalf and Samuel agreed to help. That’s how it all started.” – Folabi

 “In February 2016, this guy got on stage to sing and blew the entire church away. They said he was some ‘Folabi guy from Abeokuta’. I was head of ushering at the time and he was in the band but we never really spoke. In July 2016, Folabi approached me, through Fola, saying he wanted a photoshoot done for his album and that’s pretty much how the friendship started.” – Samuel

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On Community

“Meeting Folabi was quite a blessing because when I joined Lifepointe, I was a loner. I didn’t have friends. I’d resigned from my job in September 2015 and was trying to find my way through life. I’d always wanted to join a church where I could make friends with like-minded people. Folabi coming into my life was an answered prayer. I can no longer say I’m alone because Lifepointe has been a community.” – Samuel

 “Sometimes we focus on things that don’t really matter and ignore the fact that the church is a family. Lifepointe is indeed a family. You can’t feel alone. You meet genuine friends here. We’ve been friends for 2 years and 6 months and haven’t had any reason to stop talking to each other or anything like that.” – Folabi[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=\”2/3\”][vc_column_text]Friends with Real Benefits

“At some point, every year, my new year resolutions included a goal to make new Christian like-minded friends but last year, for the first time, I didn’t include that in my list of resolutions. I realized I’d made really cool friends like Folabi at Lifepointe.” – Samuel

“When you meet people in church, you believe you must continue the Christianese even outside church. Discussions with Folabi and I are not in Christianese at all. We keep it real. After Sunday, there’s the real world out there.” – Samuel

 “My cover art was done by Sam and he’s really just been a blessing. I ask him for advice and he asks me for advice as well—all the time. Dreaming about the future, we’re dreaming big, and I get the encouragement I need from him and a couple of other people at church.” – Folabi[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=\”1/3\”][vc_single_image image=\”10342\” img_size=\”full\” add_caption=\”yes\”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On Growth

“We’ve seen each other grow in our respective careers and we’ve shared quite a number of memorable moments” – Samuel

“We’ve grown together. We’ve become better people. We’re excited about the future together. We’ll most likely get plots of land beside each other in Banana Island.” – Folabi

On Reaching Out

“To anyone who is scared to reach out, if I didn’t reach out to Sam, rather, if Fola didn’t help me reach out, we wouldn’t be here today.” – Folabi

So, what are you waiting for? Another small groups cycle has just begun! Small groups are the perfect opportunity to meet new people and make new friends in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. To find out more about the juicy small groups on offer this cycle comment below or connect with us on social media[@lifepointeng]. Let’s get stronger together![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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