The LifePointe Church

Welcome to LifePointe!

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We are a SIGNPOST for the lost, a RESTING PLACE for the weary, and we love creating VIBRANT EXPERIENCES that point to God!

Our Story

Welcome to “Our Story, a remarkable journey that began with a dream and has now blossomed into a vibrant reality spanning several transformative years. What started as a gathering of like-minded Christians has grown into a movement that is reshaping culture and intertwining the destinies of countless individuals who cross our paths.

As we look ahead, we are excited to continue this journey of empowerment, inspiration, and shared destiny with you. Our mission is to impact lives, cultivate a sense of purpose, and ignite the flames of possibility within each individual. We stand united, driven by the collective energy of young hearts eager to embrace their potential and contribute meaningfully to the world, flying the banner of Jesus Christ, our savior.

Our story is not just a narrative; it’s a testament to the power of dreams realized and the influence that a group of determined individuals can wield. It’s a story of hope, unity, and the realization that we are all connected in the pursuit of a greater purpose embedded in the Father’s will.

Our Story

Borne from Prayer

In 2015, our Global Lead Pastor, Godman Akinlabi (fondly called PG), had a dream. He came upon a large building packed with young people calling out to him; the building itself shaking at the heavy sound of music.

Seed to Life

PG commissioned Idris Belo-Osagie (fondly called PI), LifePointe’s first Resident Pastor, to begin the work of answering the call of a generation in its varied expression of passion and needs.

Borne from Prayer

PI chose a team of young people and began to pray and plan out the vision for LifePointe. This led to the first set of gatherings tagged “6:18”. The name came from Ephesians 6:18, in the MSG translation, which says, “Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out”.


We held the first gathering in August 2015. As they prayed and fellowshipped with one another, the Spirit of God breathed out the mission for LifePointe: “To be a resting place for the weary, a signpost for the lost, and to create vibrant experiences that point people to God.”

The Beginning of Firsts

We held our inaugural service on the 3rd of January 2016 and shared the first God Experience (an avenue for people to be vulnerable with their stories of hope, love, and faith in a safe space).

Roadmaps to God

In 2017, we compiled the experiences into an eBook as a compass to God.

Our Essence

We have ushered in thousands of amazing people through heart-felt, soul-filled worship by extremely gifted, spirit-filled worship leaders, singers, and songwriters

The LifePointe Band

In 2018, we had the first ‘Music in the Park’. We have had thousands of worship sessions with one Album, one EP, and two Singles.

Landmarks of Creativity

Drama Production: Uzuri (??), A Time as This (??), Chosen the Musical (??) and Naked (2018), Love the Force (??), Art of God 2020 (Outreach to the Art World).

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Our Convictions 

While our approach remains contemporary, our beliefs stand the test of time. Our methods may grow, but these core beliefs will forever remain the foundation of LifePointe.

The Trinity

We know that there is one God manifested in three persons.

Deuteronomy 6:4

Jesus Christ 

We know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of the Spirit through the Virgin Mary. He is the only direct access to the Father, and we have received salvation and sonship through Him.
Matthew 1:18-25 & John 14:6

God’s Word

We know divine inspiration bred the scriptures and is profitable for instruction, for conviction, for correction, for training in righteousness. We believe the Bible is complete and without error.
II Timothy 3:16

Second Coming

We know that just as Jesus ascended to the heavens, as recorded in the Bible, He would return to rapture the saved souls and give them a place in heaven.
Acts 1:10 and 11

Water Baptism

We know men should be baptized by immersion, in water in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 

Matthew 28:19

The Lord’s Supper

We know that His body was broken and His blood was shed to reconcile us with the Father. Every time we take communion, we remember His sacrifice and the price that was paid.

Matthew 26:26-29


We know God gave His son Jesus Christ to die for the salvation of souls and to redeem us from the power of sin and death. We receive this salvation freely as a symbol of God’s love for us.

Romans 3:23

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

We know that the Holy Spirit is that Person who dwells in us to provide guidance, help, comfort, and more to enable us to do life in our world.

Acts 1:8


We believe Jesus bore our infirmities, became sin so that we may die to sin and live for righteousness and by His stripes, we were healed.

1 Peter 2:24