The LifePointe Church

Cartoon Network brought us Powerpuff Girls. Ladies and gents, the Lifepointe church presents (drumroll please) Joko Phillips, Ini Adesiyan and Pamela Halliday. They (may or) may not have superpowers like Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, but one thing’s for sure: they are experts at being ‘Stronger Together’, the theme of the month of June at Lifepointe (Need a refresher? Catch up on the amazing sermons preached in June here). Here’s what the trio have to say about becoming friends in their mid-twenties, all credits to Lifepointe’s Resident Pastor and cupid, Pastor Idris Belo-Osagie (“PI”):

PI Plays Cupid

Ini Adesiyan: Joko and I had met in PI’s office—just random banter—and I thought to myself, “oh this girl, she could be a real one” and our friendship pretty much started from there.

Joko Phillips: I had met Pamela randomly during a mid-week service and we would just say hi and bye whenever we saw each other after that. I walked into PI’s office one day and there was Pamela! He asked me if I knew Pamela, to which I boldly responded, “of course!”. Then, PI asked me what she did for a living and I had no clue. What a trap. So, PI excused himself from his office and commanded Pamela and I to get to know each other.

Pamela Halliday: He left us for about 30 minutes and by the time he came back, we were all up in each other’s business.

Joko Phillips: Then, Pamela wanted to be friends with Ini and I so badly. She was following us everywhere, made a WhatsApp group and everything! We felt so ambushed. We had no choice. LOL.

The Merger

\"\"Pamela Halliday: We ended up in the same cluster. Joko invited us to the same cluster—the equivalent of a small group at the time. And then Joko and I went to a wedding together and I thought, “let’s just all be friends” and created a WhatsApp group.

Joko Phillips: There were just so many overlaps and connections in our lives. We were doing so many things together. So even though we started out in separate 2-person friendships, we just decided to consolidate the friendships.

Ini Adesiyan: We organized a girls’ night in at my house once with a few other ladies from church and it was so much fun, despite the ladies’ questionable affinity for Nollywood. I now endure Nollywood movies because I love Joko and Pamela.


The Conglomerate

\"\"Joko: We’re all so different. Ini is ‘the chaser’. Once Ini has a goal, she’s going for it and you have to be clever—Ini’s favorite word–enough to keep up. Pamela is the strategist. She brings structure. Her patience also knows no bounds. I don’t get it. And I’m the dreamer. I love to dream! I think something that has really helped our friendship is our shared love for God. With that as the foundation, we can talk about things that do not make sense to the natural or logical mind.

Ini: Yes, even though we have different goals for our professions, relationships, our lives in general, we have a common core, which is our love for God.

Pamela: We’ve actually gone on a spiritual retreat together and hope to do more in the future.

On Perks, Balance & Hope

\"\"Joko Phillips: Pamela and I have resurrected Ini’s love life. It really has flourished since we all became friends. LOL.

Ini Adesiyan: I think our friendship has strengthened every area of our lives. If I’m going through anything, I’m able to call on them. When I was preparing for my exams, these girls would call me at 5am to give me a pep talk or pray with me. For Joko’s wedding, we prayed every day. Our spiritual lives have flourished. Also, our careers, everything really.

Pamela Halliday: Although, we do drive each other crazy sometimes but not long-term crazy. I bring the balance to this friendship because Joko and Ini play too much!

Joko Phillips: If anyone believes they can’t make friends in this 99th hour of their lives, we are proof that there is hope!

Joko couldn’t have said it better! There is hope. Looking to get ‘Stronger Together’ in the 2nd half of 2018? PI may no longer be offering his matchmaking services but there is good news: small groups are in session! Small groups are the perfect opportunity to meet new people and make new friends in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. To find out more about the juicy small groups on offer this cycle, comment below or connect with us on social media[@lifepointeng]. Let’s get stronger together!




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